Well the elves showed up at our house and it's really starting to look like Christmas. After Thanksgiving, we start decorating the trees and it's always fun looking at them as many of them have a sentimental meaning.
I save the Nativity things for last and at night when I go to bed, it's the last thing I see and in the morning the first. We have already made plans for next year to make a display in the entry, so when you walk in, you know Jesus comes first for Christmas. We need small tables that can be taken apart and stored. Al has even thought of painting a background with mountains, palms, and a Bethlehem scene. My brother is coming over for Al to paint a memorial sign for mom and dad to put with his Christmas yard decorations, since he has all of dad's things. I can't wait to bring the gc to see it. We always take them riding to see Christmas displays. We gave our youngest son our first nativity and just as they did when they were young, my gc remove Baby Jesus until Christmas and then put him in his crib.
I start early because it takes time to do it, but I take the same care as I did when I prepared for my children's birthdays, so preparing for Jesus's birth always takes more time. I even bake a cake and the children blow out the candles and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.
Good news today, my friend was moved into a private room, so is doing a bit better. His doctor said if he keeps improving, he will get to be home for Thanksgiving and go to therapy as an outpatient. I wasn't planning on cooking, but we will see to it that Bubba has a good meal. If his electric wheel chair is ready, we may take him to my brothers with us, as they know him.
I did go to bingo last night and it was very quiet. We all signed a card for J and it will be a long time before she returns to bingo. She is afraid that the rapist will be there and see her. She is going to therapy, which is good. I got there early and got a parking place just outside the door.
My Joys today
Jesus forgives me every day
My friend is better
My husband's love
My children and family
Flowers blooming
My wish today is for World Peace and cures for all the diseases that plague us. I know that Heaven will have all that, but it would be so wonderful to have it here also. Love and Hugs, Pat