Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lost my post--help retrieving it

Well I had a post done and I hit preview and now it's gone. It is saved in draft form, so can anyone tell me how to get it without going posting it all over again?

I wanted everyone to know I'm fine and still alive and I hope that you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. I hope you enjoyed your family.

Hopefully before I go back to the country tomorrow, someone can help me retrieve my post, other wise, I will do it over. Will visit you all later---have lots to do---I want to prep some things to make cards since I am no longer working my hiney off cleaning rooms. The rooms I am staying in are clean.

See you later. Love and Hugs, Pat

1 comment:

a Bohemian Market said...

Hi Pat:
On the dashboard the drafts are located by dates and then titles. Just look for the date when you typed it and it will be there. I have done that many times : )
I am glad you are feeling better.
Happy Belated Mother's Day