Well I must say that I am beginning to really miss internet service and blogland. I don't come to Crowley often and it's usually only for a doctor's appt. and then back to my home in the country. Things are coming along on the inside but the outside is another long story that has been very stressful for me. In my haste, I forgot my camera, but I had a great day finding a bundle of FireKing dishes for my daughter. She has been sending me vintage embroidered things, but I am sending one of them back because I will never use it. It's a brown checked piece with Sunbonnet Sue on it and she may be able to sell it in her Etsy shop. She is listed as the Urban Eccentric if any of you are interested. I haven't been but am going to check her out today.
I hope everyone is doing well and not having bad luck like us. Dryer went out, frig burned up at the house in the country, then our bedroom window air conditioner went out---all within 3 weeks.
We had a drought for a while, then the rains came as we all wished for and it's been daily downpours---enough already.
There have been many cases of Swine flu here and everyone is so cautious about being around sick people---I for one, don't need it.
I did do a little bit of painting, but that's about as far as crafting has taken me. The room I was supposed to use was supposed to be finished second, but it has taken the back burner for now. It's painted, but we have no money for new carpet and we are storing tools and paint in it to keep the rest of the house orderly. We still have the shop to work on, but it's still filled with garage sale items that we moved from the main house, so it's cluttered again. We didn't realize how much there was and really thought we had gotten a lot sold---NOT! So hopefully we will soon have another and then whatever is left over will go.
Well I want to visit some blog friends and if I miss visiting you, please forgive me---I have so little time and I must shower first so that I am ready for my doctor's appt. this afternoon. Many Blessings to all of you. Love and hugs, Pat