It is with great sorrow that I have to tell you that my dad passed away the day after Christmas. He wasn't feeling well and I wanted to take him to the hospital, but he refused, because his last words to me were, "I brought your mom to the hospital and look what happened to her, she died". Donnie and I were alone with him and he got up to take his medicine and collapsed in his bedroom. My son dialed 911 and instead of panicking, I immediately started CPR on him and got him breathing again. I think he lost the will to live because he missed my mom so much. The medics took over and they told my siblings and the doctor that I did a terrific job, but I just feel like I didn't do enough. I miss him so much and I was a daddy's girl. I had started moving to stay with him so he wouldn't be alone incase something like this happened. Right now, I just need your prayers for strength to go on, because the pain in my heart is awful. I don't have access to a computer there, so I don't know when I will return, but please keep us all in your prayers. It has only been 5 months since mom died and I wasn't over that, so the pain has doubled. When I am feeling better, I will explain a little more and tell you of the wonderful memories I will cherish about my dad. I hope you all have a Happy New Year. I was given the gift of telling my dad that I loved him before he died. Many hugs for all my blogger friends. Pat