Well today is such a gorgeous day, but rain coming later. I was hoping to spray paint some things, but it's too humid right now.
Well Tuesday we got a lot of things divided at my parents home. I let my 3 siblings divide the furniture and large appliances because I didn't need them, but really wanted the bedroom set that we had when my sister and me were teenagers. My oldest brother drew it and gave it to me---tears of joy. They gave me moms old sewing cabinet, so will re-do it as soon as we get a moving van to move my things here.
Wednesday, I met my sister at my brothers house and his pond is beautiful now. I wish I would have brought my camera with me, but next time I will remember. As I was leaving, I rushed to the door with my brother following me and I turned the handle the wrong way and kept going---smack into the door. Ended up in the ER with a fractured nose and my nasal cavity opened up which is not good. Luckily my brother caught me from falling backwards onto the cement floor. The swelling is going down a little on the nose, but it hurts like heck. Now you know why my dr called me Murphy, because whatever can go wrong, seems to in the past 8 years. I was more concerned about my dentures and glasses because the glasses cut my nose and and my mouth hit the door also. I had to wait 40 minutes to be able to drive home and a 15 minute drive took 30 minutes because I was scared to drive the speed limit. Luckily no cars were behind me honking.
Has anyone heard from Denna? Not knowing anything scares me. I keep praying to hear some really great news and see her back posting. Deena if you are reading this, prayers are being said daily, along with the tears. I miss you, but I know God is taking care of you and you really do need a break. I hope you are just relaxing and not going through any major stuff right now. Everyone, please continue your prayers for such a lovely and strong lady. She is an inspiration to many of us and we want her back.
My sister and I went to an antique shop and I found some wonderful Christmas sheet music for altering and a book with regular sheet music. I found an adorable little bedside cabinet, so hoping that I get it for my birthday. I am hoping the owner takes a little less. We need an entire day there, so her next trip we are going to do just that. Things are back to normal with us or should I say we are going forward to a new beginning and leaving the past where it belongs. Your prayers have helped so much and I will be forever grateful for them. God is such a wonderful gift for all of us. I've always believed that the bad has to come with the good to form the circle of life, so great things await me, I'm sure of that.
Well going to hunt for the paint, at least I will have it ready and waiting for another clear day without the humidity. Have a wonderful and Blessed weekend. Love and Hugs, Pat
You poor dear. Sounds like it would be painful. Hope you are healing. Been thinking about Deena also.
Should I look for bubble wrap for you to wear? ;-)
Hi Pat, thanks so much for stopping by and entering my Give Away. I am so excited to have goten so many comments. It's been so fun meeting new friends. So sorry about your accident. God speed your healing....
Love your blog....
Thanks Ele, Knit, and Shelly for your well wishes. Knit, I would have to bubble wrap my whole body-lol. Love and Hugs, Pat
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