Wednesday, March 25, 2009

UL in competition for Solar House

Well we have great news about our University in Lafayette, Louisiana. UL has been chosen from 20 colleges to be at the Washington Mall to show off their solar home built by architect students. It's amazing and we are all proud. My dil, Heidi will be in a 30 mile bike ride to raise money to help for the trip expenses. For those who know Louisiana, Beausolis means Sunshine and as you will see the house is built with an Acadian Style. Hope they win in the competition.

I know people bash Louisiana all the time, but we have some great people here who go on to become famous--not counting Brittney Spears-lol. New Orleans is still a great city, but I would not live there again. The French Quarter is about the only reason I would go, because of all the great shops and the open market.
Well I am going back to watching TV. I was so excited to hear the great news, I had to share it. Love and Hugs, Pat

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