Pop's oldest son Sandy came in for the funeral and I was happy to see him. It has been 15 years since I last saw him and he looks very good. We are hoping to keep in touch and I am going to send him a disk with all the pictures I have of his dad.
A paper was read that one of his grandsons wrote about who inspired him the most and there was not a dry eye. It was beautiful written about a hero who earned a Bronze Star and Purple Heart, a Sargent of a tank command in Germany and Africa during WWII. The only thing that was forgotten was that Garland also served in the military.
I hope that you and your families have a safe and Happy New Year and that you are blessed this year with good health, strong finances and lots of love. It's going to be a rough year for some as I have read on some blogs, so I pray for those who are losing their homes and jobs.
Well I am going back to bed---I really am exhausted beyond words. See you soon. I do hope to be able to stay up tonight and watch the ball drop in Times Square, then quickly retreat for some R&R. Prayers, Love, and Hugs, Pat