I'm in Crowley for a doctor's appointment and don't really have any of pictures with me, but I sneaked this one from my son, Donnie's Facebook. It's hard to believe that my first born will soon be 42 years old and my daughter turns 40 in February. Where has the time gone. There are days when I wish they were little again, but that is just my selfish needs. They have made me proud of their accomplishments and I am looking forward to Christmas this year. The last 2 were very sad for me and my friend as we both lost our fathers on the same day, one year apart.

I have a pet peeve about friendships and being used by people who claim to be my friend, but the minute they have a little extra money, they ignore me. Money is the root of all evil and she has really turned a situation into an ugly ordeal. What would you do if someone promised to pay the taxes on a $1,400 jackpot, so you won't lose your benifits, then renege on the deal? Well that is what happened and my best friend is the one who got hurt by all this and it caused me to lose my trust in her. Turns out, she is a user and only comes or calls when she has no money to play bingo. I don't need those kind of friends in my life. And worst of all, Al was going to buy her a ticket to NYC so that she could come with me in the spring. Glad we didn't book the flights yet. Our weekly dinners are gone, but I still have my friend Bryan who comes to eat even if it's just pizza.
So much for the drama. Yesterday I went to Goodwill and found a bracelet made with crystals, so I am going to re-do it to my own style and got it for $.59. Just one of the beads cost that, so I made out good. I am working on a bear right now for frufru friday and she will be all dolled up with lace and a boa. I have to look for a hat for her, because I have every size except the one that would fit her head. I made a list of unfinished projects and have been working on those before I start anything new. Making things for FruFru Friday will be fun. I plan on taking a regular shoe and turning it into a pin cushion, so that should be fun to work on.
Well shower time to cool off and get ready for my doctor's appointment. I sure hope he has some better news for me.. Have a cool day and stay indoors if at all possible. The temps yesterday was 100 degrees and today is supposed to be hotter. I tried working in my garden repotting, but just couldn't do it with the heat. Love and hugs, Pat