Saturday, September 29, 2007
Sad news today
My cousin told me that my aunt laid in the bed with my Uncle and fell asleep and then a couple of hours later, he died peacefully and without pain. When I would rub his feet, his eyes would open so we knew he was aware of things around him, so everyone kept talking to him, telling him everything was going to be okay. He was such a sweet old man and now I know he is at peace and free from pain in his heart.
Please keep my Aunt Dee, Uncle TJ, and their family in your prayers. They say deaths come in 3s, so now it's just another worry for me about my dad who is in congestive heart failure and full blown diabetes. I had to laugh Friday morning because Dad almost pushed me out the house so he could go get his cabbage plants-lol-he was hoping I could have stayed the rest of the weekend, but he understood that Brenda needed help, only she didn't. I had already let her know that when Uncle TJ was gone, I was going back. Aunt Dee is her godmother, but she is going to her husband's cousin's funeral on Sunday instead, so I will have to give her regrets for her.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Amy I hope your weekend is great and that your special day was fantastic. Sorry that I was late with it, but I had no connection in the country where dad lives----just the sound of crickets and frogs and a beautiful full moon with a sky filled with stars. Hugs, everyone, Pat
Friday, September 28, 2007
Today is Amy Day

Amy you have shown me what courage is what you make it and you certainly have lots of it. If this dreadful disease should ever face me, I will only have to read your journel to give me the courage and the strength to fight it. Even though some days you feel like you took 1 step forward and 2 steps back, remember at the end, you get to skip lots of steps and you will look back at this and say "I am a survivor"
So if any of you reading this want to read about Amy and about the wonderful courageous person she is and an example for all women, go to her blog and say a prayer for her.
Amy thanks for sharing your journey with all of us. I hereby crown you Mrs. Pink Queen forever. Prayers and Hugs, Pat
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Bad blogger
I have no new pictures of the shop, but it's just about ready for moving things in. Brenda has put up the black velvet curtains for the dressing rooms and took a bench that was ruined from Katrina and painted it black and recovered it. Here she was telling me she couldn't do it and I knew she could and she did a great job. The dressing room area will be cleared on weekends because she wants to have tea parties there for little girls---and the mom's can shop while the party is going on. That was my idea and I'm glad she decided to do it. So now I am on the look out for party dresses at Goodwill and garage sales. Al could make the table and chairs for her, but she said he has too many other important things to do, so she is going to buy some pink and purple ones---if not, we will spray paint them.
We are going to Atanta on the 13th to Market and the business is paying my ticket and hotel. I can't wait to show ya'll the beautiful clothes, jewelry, and purses she has gotten in already. She also will have used clothes, hence the name The Old, The New, and The Beautiful. Only name brand clothes and we have found some wonderful things for that area. She decided to order 2 full body manequins beside the headless ones. She got some jewelry from a girl from Italy and they are so beautiful. There are people from all over the world selling their goods at Market and I get to pick some gifts out for the shop. She said I will go crazy when I see all the things there---there are 3 buildings with about 7 floors each, but she knows which she will go to first from her previous trip.
I am hoping to meet one of my MSN group friends, so that will be an added treat.
For those that know me, you will only get to see last years Christmas tour, except for my kitchen. I will post my Christmas blog when I finish with it, Then you will know how bipolar I really am-lol. I really want to do an "adult" tree, so it will have to be the one in Brenda's shop. 80% of my ornaments are Hallmark---have been collecting since 1980 and I have different theme trees---snowmen, santas, angels, family tree, gingerbreads, nativity, Charlie Brown, Wizard of Oz just to name a few. I have always admired the beautiful pinks, silver, gold, and red trees, but have never done one. I do have a Red Hat tree(white) that I really like.
Well hoping everyone will visit---guess I have to get busy and make some eye candy as it's very boring here right now. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I've been tagged
This is apparently a NEW tag that is going on in Blog land...
1. FOUR PLACES I HAVE LIVED? I've lived in the same state of Louisiana, but in Jennings, Crowley, New Orleans, and Gramercy
2. FOUR PLACES I HAVE BEEN ON VACATION? Wyoming, New York, Branson, Missouri, Vancouver, Washington
3. FOUR OF MY FAVOURITE FOODS? Salads, Mexican food, shrimp, crabs
4. FOUR PLACES I'D RATHER BE RIGHT NOW? With my x, with my dad, with my children, on a quiet lake
Change my answers & replace with your own answers...& TAG someone else
I now tag Jackie at Inspriration Creation
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Update on Brenda's shop
These are the dressing rooms that will have black velvet curtains and we had to make one of them to fit a wheelchair. So now it's just a matter of putting it all together, if they got the carpet clean---they waited to put the plastic down after putting in the drywall.
I did a little crafting

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Lots of work going on
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A day of prayer
Seeing the 30,000 plus names on boards on the fence surrounding ground zero brings tears to my eyes each time. Prayers to all the familes and friends of loved ones who are heroes in my book because they paid the ultimate price for a freedom we often take for granted. May you all rest in peace. God Bless America
Monday, September 10, 2007
2nd post of the day
More treasures

These are some of the treasures I found in a jar with mom's beads. Some had rhinestones missing, so I fixed some. I think I am going to put them on hats this winter and maybe make some earrings out of some.
I got this little shadow box at Goodwill for 59cents and just loved it when I saw it.

Friday, September 7, 2007
Prayers for Peggy
Peg, I hope you keep your spirit up and God helps you through this. You always said we have been through so much together, so I am keeping you in my daily prayers and I know with your fight you will beat this dreadful disease. Hugs, Pat
I have been tagged
P---perfectionist(thrive to be one)
A---active( always doing something)
Now I pick 3 to tag and I have chosen
1. Nettie from Australia
2. Mary at Issabellascloset
3. Tia ---Mizsmoochielips
Hope you all have a great day. Hugs, Pat
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Beautful cds from Nettie

Look what I won
This is a beautiful card I got from a swap from Pat (Pats World) and this will be a sentimental piece as mom's kitchen was done in sunflowers. Thanks Pat for such a beautiful card.
This is a cd and cd box that I altered for a swap. Wish I could find more boxes. I have 4 left and if anyone has any they would like to trade or sell, let me know.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
My mom when she was 18

I am hoping I get back in the crafting mood---I'm just drained right now, but I know it will get easier with time. I do have to work on an altered canvas for my niece, so hopefully I will have something crafty to post. Hope you all have a great day. Hugs, Pat